Prevent Cross Contamination
You wouldn't think of sharing your toothbrush. Not even with a family member. But
this does not mean that you are not sharing infection.
Toothbrushes are heavily contaminated with oral bacteria. Bacteria from food particles
and contact with the skin are unavoidable consequences of daily brushing. Mostly
families store toothbrushes in a common storage space airborne bacteria can move
from toothbrush to toothbrush, passing infections such as periodontal (gum) disease
and the common cold from one person to another.
Rinse bristles thoroughly, then shaking any extra moisture from the brush and storing
it upright before placing a cover over the toothbrush head or oak unused brushes
in an antiseptic mouthwash. Wash hands both before and after brushing
Brushes should be stored properly to dry between brushings. They should also be
replaced periodically depending on their use. Concentrate on brushing well, with
flossing coming much later in the child's development.