Caries Prevention
It is important for non-dental health practitioners to understand the basic concepts
and historically proven preventive methods that have been available to the profession
to decrease the negative outcomes of dental disease. Because dental disease is a
bacterial infection, all interventions are aimed to affect the causative bacteria,
increase the resistance of the host (teeth and gums) and reduce the substrate required
by bacteria.
This section addresses preventive techniques for removing plaque.
Plaque (biofilm) is a sticky film of bacteria, food debris and salivary components
that adhere to the tooth. General components of plaque are calcium and phosphorus.
The cariogenic bacteria produces polysaccharides that improve adherence of the plaque
to the tooth enamel. Although plaque can initially protect enamel because of its
mineral content, if left undisturbed, it will increase in size and in the number
of bacteria. When a substrate is available, such as sugars and other fermentable
carbohydrates, an acid is produced that attacks the enamel with loss of calcium
and phosphate. This initial demineralized area is referred to as a white spot lesion.
Depending on many factors including saliva pH, presence of fluoride, removing plaque
and modifying the substrate, this lesion can either become remineralized, or with
time can lead to cavitation.
Plaque Removal for School going children
Brushing should be started as soon as teeth erupt. Parents should brush the child’s
teeth till the age of four years and then supervised brushing should be encouraged
using a fluoridated tooth paste. Teeth should be brushed twice a day – in the morning
after breakfast and at night before going to bed. In addition, teeth should preferably
be brushed after eating any sweet and sticky food items. A rotary scrubbing method
is the preferred motion to use for brushing teeth.