Preventive Strategies
IDA recognizes that infant oral health is one of the foundations upon which preventive
education and dental care must be built to enhance the opportunity for a lifetime
free from preventable oral disease.
- Early childhood caries (ECC) and the more severe form of ECC (S- ECC) can be particularly
virulent forms of caries, beginning soon after tooth eruption, developing on smooth
surfaces, progressing rapidly and having a lasting detrimental impact on the dentition.
- This disease affects the general population but is more likely to occur in infants
who are of low socioeconomic status, who consume a diet high in sugar, and whose
mothers have a low education level.
- Caries in primary teeth can affect children’s growth, result in significant pain
and potentially life-threatening infection, and diminish overall quality of life.
- Dental caries is a common chronic infectious transmissible disease resulting from
tooth- adherent specific bacteria, primarily mutans streptococci (MS), that metabolize
sugars to produce acid which, over time, demineralizes tooth structure. MS colonization
of an infant may occur from the time of birth.
- Vertical transmission of MS from mother to infant has been observed. Therefore the
higher the levels of maternal salivary MS, the greater the risk of the infant being
infected. Along with salivary levels of MS, mother’s oral hygiene, periodontal disease,
snack frequency, and socioeconomic status also are associated with infant colonization.
Dental caries is a disease that generally is preventable. Early risk assessment
allows for identification of child who are at risk for ECC and would benefit from
early preventive intervention. The ultimate goal of early assessment is the timely
delivery of educational information to populations at high risk for developing caries
in order to prevent the need for later surgical intervention.